Questions about Xmas Turkey
(too old to reply)
Poop Stuffing Turkey
2022-12-28 20:49:51 UTC
Do queer atheists stuff their Xmas turkeys with poop?

Do gay turkeys like to be stuffed?

Asking for a friend.
John Baker
2022-12-28 22:33:41 UTC
On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 14:49:51 -0600, Poop Stuffing Turkey
Post by Poop Stuffing Turkey
Do queer atheists stuff their Xmas turkeys with poop?
Do gay turkeys like to be stuffed?
Asking for a friend.
I'll be glad when the holidays are over and the kiddies are back in

AA #1898
Giver of No Fucks
Keeper of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
2022-12-29 05:16:45 UTC
Do queer atheists stuff their Xmas turkeys with poop?Do gay turkeys like to be stuffed?Asking for a friend.
What's the matter, don't like the truth? I will take you before
Jesus and kill you... Then you can meet your maker.
2022-12-30 04:39:29 UTC
Do queer atheists stuff their Xmas turkeys with poop?Do gay turkeys like to be stuffed?Asking for a friend.
I don't believe queer atheists have Christmas so how would they
have a turkey? Besides, covid is bird flu, why would they want
to risk it, a turkey for the flu...... can you believe they
are trying to get a dollar a pound?
2022-12-30 15:33:28 UTC
On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 14:49:51 -0600, Poop Stuffing Turkey
Post by Poop Stuffing Turkey
Do queer atheists stuff their Xmas turkeys with poop?
Do gay turkeys like to be stuffed?
Asking for a friend.
Yes, they all just 'gobble' up the food.

Sincerely James
2022: a terrible year
Go to jw.org
2022-12-30 15:44:26 UTC
Post by John Baker
On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 14:49:51 -0600, Poop Stuffing Turkey
Post by Poop Stuffing Turkey
Do queer atheists stuff their Xmas turkeys with poop?
Do gay turkeys like to be stuffed?
Asking for a friend.
Yes, they all just 'gobble' up the food.
Sincerely James
2022: a terrible year
Go to jw.org
looks like you deserved a bad year
2022-12-31 21:00:18 UTC
God did not die just cause you an the devil want him too.....????
Do you not know what Martyrdom is? Stupid infidel.... Jw s are
AntiChrists infidels.


 | \ ?mär-t?r-d?m  \


1: the suffering of death on account of adherence to
a cause and especially to one's religious faith
//? defended moral truth even to the point of enduring martyrdom ?
? Andrew Sullivan


First Known Use

before 12th century, in the meaning
2022-12-31 21:07:52 UTC
No, it will bounce back an get you. Dont worry.... God hates
sin money....... Same as I do. For I cannot use it at all....
Except to buy gas with.
2022-12-31 21:11:22 UTC
Post by teslaStinker
No, it will bounce back an get you. Dont worry.... God hates
sin money....... Same as I do. For I cannot use it at all....
Except to buy gas with.
a fake me here what a surprise
2022-12-31 22:08:20 UTC
Yup, if a crook gives you free money, you become a fake you.
Breaking His Commandments. Just look at what they do with the
weather infidel, they electricity it to form cyclones to make you
buy way more fuel then you need.... especially heating oil.
They are fakes, who don't do what's written on the dollar an you
an I both know it faker. 300millon dollar radios. Believe me,
Jesus is really coming, when he gets here, He will smash your
face faker. Same as the weather people lying to you telling you
they will save you, and they are meteorology expert that deserves
100 thousand dollar pay checks, when it's all about a faker,
cause they already know when the devils pals turn those cyclones
on and where they going. But instead, tell you it's a forecast.
Yup me telling you Jesus is coming is not. All you fakers get
what you do deserve. Especially the oil weather cartel and their
cancer causing heart attack petroleum coke.

Now go ahead faker, go get some sin money. It still is what it
is, unless you work for it really, and ask my God to bless it
before using it. And if you don't, expect to get what God does
to liars of Christianity.....
2023-01-01 02:19:20 UTC
I forgot the HA.. so be it. HA