2022-10-02 18:27:43 UTC
Caution! Always wear ANSI approved goggles when reading posts by Checkmate!
On Sun, 02 Oct 2022 17:23:55 +0000, pandora put forth the notion that:
Indeed. Men wrote that, not any god.
Given a few years into adulthood, how are they
So you believe in the bible but you really don't?
I believe the bible is a book written by men who were trying to
understand the universe from their limited knowledge.
It was written by men over 200 years after Jesus died, so none of them ever
knew him, or knew anybody who had known him. The men who wrote it wrote
under the names of the apostles to gain credibility. I suspect the body of
Jesus was "disappeared" and claimed to be a "resurrection". A pretty
convenient way of covering up any evidence, while also claiming a miracle.
When you see all the political tricks and head trips politicians use today
and throughout history, you should realize that power hungry people have
always been clever enough to fool a sufficient number of people to gain
control. Con man Joseph Smith picked up on how the game is played in 1820,
when he claimed to have been given some magical golden plates by an angel,
which he kept hidden in a hat. He would "translate" them to an assistant to
create the "Book of Mormon". Unfortunately, he later "gave them back to the
angel" so they can't be examined. A skeptic such as myself has a hard time
buying any of it.
On the other hand, the more I learn about the complexities of living
organisms, the harder it is to imagine the number of fortuitous random events
it would take for there not to be something that had a hand in our creation.
I've always said if there's a god, he must be a scientist, and we're merely
lab rats in an experiment that's nearing its end... at least as far as humans
are concerned.
Checkmate ®
Copyright © 2022
all rights reserved
Kensi, "doing a little victory dance"
"I am the author of nearly as much kook butthurt as
kensi." -Nadegda
Message-ID: <pbg8ne$p9k$***>
AUK Hammer of Thor award, Feb. 2012 (Pre-Burnore)
Destroyer of the AUK Ko0k Awards (Post-Burnore)
Co-winner Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker
award May 2001, (Brethern of Beelzebub troll)
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker award, Feb 2012
Author, Humorist, Cynic
Philosopher, Humanitarian
Poet, Elektrishun to the Stars
Usenet Shot-Caller
In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017
On Sun, 02 Oct 2022 17:23:55 +0000, pandora put forth the notion that:
On Sun, 02 Oct 2022 06:29:00 -0700, TRAITOR JOE'S BIDEN BALONEY
Caution! Always wear ANSI approved goggles when reading posts by
On Sun, 02 Oct 2022 00:10:03 +0000, pandora put forth the notion
that: #
On Sun, 02 Oct 2022 00:10:03 +0000, pandora put forth the notion
that: #
On Sat, 01 Oct 2022 16:20:01 -0700, TRAITOR JOE'S BIDEN BALONEY
Caution! Always wear ANSI approved goggles when reading posts
by Checkmate!
On Sat, 01 Oct 2022 22:30:29 +0000, pandora put forth the
by Checkmate!
On Sat, 01 Oct 2022 22:30:29 +0000, pandora put forth the
On Fri, 30 Sep 2022 18:23:59 -0700, TRAITOR JOE'S BIDEN
Caution! Always wear ANSI approved goggles when reading
posts by Checkmate!
On Fri, 30 Sep 2022 22:00:55 -0000 (UTC), Nadegda put forth
posts by Checkmate!
On Fri, 30 Sep 2022 22:00:55 -0000 (UTC), Nadegda put forth
Time to trigger the right-wing snowflakes again. Melt,
On Fri, 30 Sep 2022 06:44:53 -0700, DIDDLER JIM'S GORMAN
On Fri, 30 Sep 2022 06:44:53 -0700, DIDDLER JIM'S GORMAN
I didn't even know this was a thing until a few weeks ago.
I thought the whole "transgender" movement was mainly a
male phenomenon, with certain effeminate, homosexual,
biological males yearning to be something they will never
be: females. No matter how they try to alter their
appearance, or try to demand that we refer to them as what
they can only pretend to be, they'll always be men. Bruce
Jenner is a perfect example. Despite his best efforts,
he looks hideously like a man in drag, and his new
soft-spoken voice does nothing to improve his new persona.
Chastity Bono makes a more convincing male, but it appears
I may have gotten it wrong... thought the whole "transgender" movement was mainly a
male phenomenon, with certain effeminate, homosexual,
biological males yearning to be something they will never
be: females. No matter how they try to alter their
appearance, or try to demand that we refer to them as what
they can only pretend to be, they'll always be men. Bruce
Jenner is a perfect example. Despite his best efforts,
he looks hideously like a man in drag, and his new
soft-spoken voice does nothing to improve his new persona.
Chastity Bono makes a more convincing male, but it appears
I may have gotten it wrong...
in various reflective surfaces, Diddler.
not make that thing wrong, kooky.
According to a number of articles I've recently run
across, this may be a bigger problem among females than
males. I can sort of understand why... they spend the
first 10-12 years in one body, then suddenly discover one
day that the nipples that no one had ever had any interest
in, are budding out into a new and very visible part of
their identity. Some are happy to see them, and some are
embarrassed at this new part of their identity that they
can never hide, and the often unwanted attention that
comes with it.
And whose fault is that? Lecherous men, like the one you seeacross, this may be a bigger problem among females than
males. I can sort of understand why... they spend the
first 10-12 years in one body, then suddenly discover one
day that the nipples that no one had ever had any interest
in, are budding out into a new and very visible part of
their identity. Some are happy to see them, and some are
embarrassed at this new part of their identity that they
can never hide, and the often unwanted attention that
comes with it.
in various reflective surfaces, Diddler.
What shocked me, was a two-part series on Fox Nation,
showing quite graphically how far the assault on nature
has been allowed to go.
Fox Nation ......... LOLshowing quite graphically how far the assault on nature
has been allowed to go.
The film shows girls obviously at the age of puberty, with
two long, horizontal scars across their chests where
they've had their breasts removed. Even the nipples are
gone! Clearly, they have no concept of how this
irreversible decision will impact the rest of their adult
No lactation for you!two long, horizontal scars across their chests where
they've had their breasts removed. Even the nipples are
gone! Clearly, they have no concept of how this
irreversible decision will impact the rest of their adult
A couple older victims of this barbaric practice were also
interviewed and expressed profound regrets. One of the
victims was stunningly beautiful. I felt genuinely sad
for her and wondered how her parents could have even given
their permission,
or if they were even required to. Even the schools are
aiding and abetting this gender confusion of underage
students and encouraging them to keep the matter secret
from their parents...
To protect them from dangerously bigoted parents, of course.interviewed and expressed profound regrets. One of the
victims was stunningly beautiful. I felt genuinely sad
for her and wondered how her parents could have even given
their permission,
or if they were even required to. Even the schools are
aiding and abetting this gender confusion of underage
students and encouraging them to keep the matter secret
from their parents...
Unrelated: I only recently learned that pregnant mothers
are allowed to bring a baby to full term, and then tell
the doctor to "abort" (murder) it.
[citation needed]are allowed to bring a baby to full term, and then tell
the doctor to "abort" (murder) it.
How and why did we ever get to this point? Even as an
I still sometimes wonder why we haven't all turned to
pillars of salt.
Just because you have a meltdown contemplating a thing, doesagnostic,
I still sometimes wonder why we haven't all turned to
pillars of salt.
not make that thing wrong, kooky.
That needs to end.
Humans will only quit judging each other when no one is
Kids are especially bad at this, which shows it's an innate trait
that we only learn to control with age and maturity. I'm mostly
talking about birth defects and hideous injuries in this instance.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
From the bible and you said there was no God.binary-and-thats-good-for-humanity/
they *have* boobs but rather as people deserving the same
respect as others.
They'll be judged for not having them too... probably muchAll your irrelevant distractions about fish biology aside,
this transgender bullshit that has all the signs of a
human-engineered fad, at least in females, could actually be
a long overdue backlash to the ridiculous number of females
who almost consider it mandatory to get ridiculously over
sized breast "augmentation".
Why can't people just settle for normalcy? I'm not even
these young girls want to be boys, I think maybe they just
don't want boobs. Obviously, they haven't realized teh Power
of the booby.
Or perhaps they just don't want to be judged by whether or notthis transgender bullshit that has all the signs of a
human-engineered fad, at least in females, could actually be
a long overdue backlash to the ridiculous number of females
who almost consider it mandatory to get ridiculously over
sized breast "augmentation".
Why can't people just settle for normalcy? I'm not even
these young girls want to be boys, I think maybe they just
don't want boobs. Obviously, they haven't realized teh Power
of the booby.
they *have* boobs but rather as people deserving the same
respect as others.
Kids are especially bad at this, which shows it's an innate trait
that we only learn to control with age and maturity. I'm mostly
talking about birth defects and hideous injuries in this instance.
If a girl chooses to mutilate herself by cutting her breasts off,
my guess is older adults would be more likely to judge her on that
behavior than her appearance. I say it's a psychological problem
that should first be addressed by counseling rather than a knife.
People need time to adjust to the changes of puberty, and are not
likely to make rational decisions at its onset if they're seeing
it as an issue they're uncomfortable with.
I can agree with guess is older adults would be more likely to judge her on that
behavior than her appearance. I say it's a psychological problem
that should first be addressed by counseling rather than a knife.
People need time to adjust to the changes of puberty, and are not
likely to make rational decisions at its onset if they're seeing
it as an issue they're uncomfortable with.
Given a few years into adulthood, how are they
going to feel when they don't look like other adults? I just
didn't know this was happening and think it's a new phenomenon
being pushed by the new anti-gender "Woke" crowd, which is doing a
lot of irreparable damage to affected individuals and society.
It's their business; no one else's.didn't know this was happening and think it's a new phenomenon
being pushed by the new anti-gender "Woke" crowd, which is doing a
lot of irreparable damage to affected individuals and society.
understand the universe from their limited knowledge.
knew him, or knew anybody who had known him. The men who wrote it wrote
under the names of the apostles to gain credibility. I suspect the body of
Jesus was "disappeared" and claimed to be a "resurrection". A pretty
convenient way of covering up any evidence, while also claiming a miracle.
When you see all the political tricks and head trips politicians use today
and throughout history, you should realize that power hungry people have
always been clever enough to fool a sufficient number of people to gain
control. Con man Joseph Smith picked up on how the game is played in 1820,
when he claimed to have been given some magical golden plates by an angel,
which he kept hidden in a hat. He would "translate" them to an assistant to
create the "Book of Mormon". Unfortunately, he later "gave them back to the
angel" so they can't be examined. A skeptic such as myself has a hard time
buying any of it.
On the other hand, the more I learn about the complexities of living
organisms, the harder it is to imagine the number of fortuitous random events
it would take for there not to be something that had a hand in our creation.
I've always said if there's a god, he must be a scientist, and we're merely
lab rats in an experiment that's nearing its end... at least as far as humans
are concerned.
Checkmate ®
Copyright © 2022
all rights reserved
Kensi, "doing a little victory dance"
"I am the author of nearly as much kook butthurt as
kensi." -Nadegda
Message-ID: <pbg8ne$p9k$***>
AUK Hammer of Thor award, Feb. 2012 (Pre-Burnore)
Destroyer of the AUK Ko0k Awards (Post-Burnore)
Co-winner Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker
award May 2001, (Brethern of Beelzebub troll)
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker award, Feb 2012
Author, Humorist, Cynic
Philosopher, Humanitarian
Poet, Elektrishun to the Stars
Usenet Shot-Caller
In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017