Post by WangoTangoPost by Eugen T. Schmit
No, it could not be true.
As soon as you see that comments are disabled on video making stupid
claims, you know it's time to move on.
I thought it was settle as it was a fake from about 700 years ago.
I was satisfied with this. But this new evidence is bothersome
to me. This is the first time forensic doctors analyzed the cloth.
It seems the original samples were taken from the damaged and repaired
area of the cloth. Which was repaired by twisting cotton threads with
the original linen threads and patched this onto the shroud. This gave
false data. For their own reason the church selected the damaged and
repaired section cloth as the sample. Maybe they didn't want it to be
genuine. Since this would have destroyed faith in the shroud. And the
Catholic Clergy places religious faith far above knowledge.
There is other videos on this subject, from BBC
another source
And one man who says he can reproduce the shroud.
I'm not Catholic and I don't have any dogs in this fight, and I am
off-put by this especially since its Catholic. But I would like to
see real and honest unbiased criticism.